Great Atheist Videos

Here's a great call from The Atheist Experience television show:

This is one of the best videos on critical thinking I've ever seen:

Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss discusses how our universe comes from "nothing":

One thing that theism has over Atheism is a history of beautiful music. For a long time I've wished that there was some beautiful music rooted in science or Atheism. Then on an episode of The Atheist Experience, Traci showed some music videos and clips from the website The videos are great. One of them, which I posted below, is called "The Poetry of Reality"and has been called "An Anthem for Science". It certainly had my vote to be just that. As Atheism continues to grow and be less taboo, I'm sure we'll see more, which I look forward to very much. My thanks goes out to the talented person who created these videos.